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Bobbi Blog2016-11-28T10:47:04+00:00

Bacteria Changes Following Circumcision

PHOENIX, Ariz. – April 16, 2013 Male circumcision reduces the abundance of bacteria living on the penis and might help explain why circumcision offers men some protection against HIV, according to a study led by the Translational Genomics Research Institute. Removing the foreskin caused a significant shift in the bacterial community or microbiome of the penis, according to a study [...]

July 7th, 2015|Categories: Circumcision|

Post Hypospadias Repair Infection Control

Various post surgical dressing methods and techniques are used depending on the type and severity. Surgical techniques and approaches to dressings vary between surgeons. A recent innovation is the creation of a protective housing covering the entire surgical area. This is called a genital shield. The semi flexible absorbent shield protects the penis and scrotum from direct contact with the [...]

June 24th, 2015|Categories: Hypospadias|

Hypospadias Explained In Male Infants

Hypospadias is a birth defect of the penis which is increasing in frequency. The condition involves the urethra, the tube carrying urine from the bladder to the tip of the penis. In hypospadias, a problem occurs during the development of the penis which results in the urethra opening on the under surface of the penis rather than at the tip. [...]

June 24th, 2015|Categories: Hypospadias|

What Causes Hypospadias In Male Infants

Development of hypospadias is thought to occur during embryological development between 8 to 20 weeks gestation. There is a genetic component to the development of hypospadias but this doesn’t fully explain the presence of the condition. Various other risk factors include early menarche in the mother, threatened miscarriage, low placental weight and exposure to progestins. There may be an increased [...]

June 24th, 2015|Categories: Hypospadias|Tags: |

Incidence of Hypospadia in Male Births

The incidence of hypospadias which was reported to be about 1:250 male births has increased over the last years to around 1:150 male births. Some of this rise effect may be due to awareness and better reporting of the condition. There is however a trend emerging of an increase in the severity of the cases. Hypospadias usually occurs in isolation [...]

June 24th, 2015|Categories: Hypospadias|

Reconstructive Hypospadias Repair in Male Infants

Some first degree cases are so mild that they do not require treatment but these are fairly rare. The majority of cases require surgical repair. The objective is to relocate the urethral opening to its normal position on the tip of the penis and to correct any abnormal penile curvature. There is also the goal to produce an aesthetic result [...]

June 24th, 2015|Categories: Hypospadias|