What is the Bobbi Baby Shield™?
Bobbi Baby Shield™ is applied after Genital Surgery for Male Infants, as a post operative Care & Hygiene device.
Please Tell Me More!
The Bobbi Baby Shield™ is a barrier dome that is positioned over your boys genital & scrotum area.
Because of the dome shape, this barrier device creates a distance between his diaper and genitals, alleviating contact and direct pressure to his surgery.
In most cases your sons genital surgery would have been done in sterile conditions, but … the healing still needs your care when he returns home from the hospital.
Bobbi shield provides you with this “at home” after care regiment. It is a disposable device that should be included in every new diaper change.
The difference with Bobbi, is that!
- The Bobbi Baby Shield is a medical device that is anatomically moulded from a lightweight hypoallergenic sterile material.
- It is super absorbent, whilst still maintaining its form after significant urine absorption.
- Because of the hydrophilic material properties, you boys urine is transfer from the shield to his diaper through a process called hydrophilicity.
- It is flexible and well formed, allowing for your boys natural body movement.
No Pressure! We’ve Got Your Baby Boy Covered!
The Bobbi Baby Shield forms a barrier over his genitals. This creates a distance between his diaper and genitals, helping alleviate contact and direct pressure to his surgery.
No pressure! No discomfort when being burped, fed, changed, cradled or any other day to day activity.
What Genital Surgery Can Bobbi Baby Shield™ Be Used For?
Hypospadias | Epispadias | Chordee | Circumcision | Cryptocordism | Hydrocele | Inguinal Hernia | Penoscrotal Fusion
Benefits & Features Of The Bobbi Baby Shield
- No more cumbersome double diapers.
- No more leaking gel from the diaper.
- Keeps the catheter in the correct position.
- Reduces the chance that the catheter will kink and block the urine flow.
- Keeps faecal matter away from the surgical area and wound.
- The material is ultra-absorbent and hydrophilic, keeping the surgical site dry and creating a healing environment.
- Reduces direct pressure on the surgical area.
- Enhances your babys comfort when feeding.
- Keeps faecal matter away from the surgical area.
- The material is altra-absorbent and hydrophilic, keeping the surgical site dry and creating a healing environment.
- The shield is disposed of with the soiled diaper.
- Helps to reduce the risk of wound care complications